020 8688 3869

5 Norfolk House, Wellesley Road, Croydon, CR0 1LH

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Banner with the caption Confidentiality and privacy policy and a small inset information icon
We take our responsibility to maintain your privacy very seriously as the confidentiality of your dealings with us is required by law. The following document sets out how we collect and use the information we hold for you but, if you have any questions on any aspect, you should contact us via one of the methods shown below.

How to contact us
You can contact us via one of the following methods:

By post:
Nigel Cryer
AllClear Dental Centre
5 Norfolk House
Wellesley Road

By phone:
020 8688 3869

By email (but please refer to the remainder of this document before doing so):
[email protected]


AllClear Dental Centre is registered at the Information Commissioner's Office under reference ZA152547. Click on the link in the resources box to find out more about your rights regarding the data we hold.

We are required by law to maintain the confidentiality of information you provide and treatment you receive and we treat our responsibilities in this respect very seriously. The following sets out our policy on confidentiality and protection of your data:

  • We will not divulge any information about you, your visits to the practice or the treatment you receive without your written permission except in the following circumstances:
    • we are required to do so by law
    • we are required to do so as a result of a court order
    • the information is an integral part of treatment being provided to you (for example, passing your name and date of your next visit to a dental laboratory for preparation of a crown, bridge or denture)
  • We will shred or incinerate paper documents relating to you or your treatment when they are no longer needed but will normally scan these and hold an image with your other electronic records. Electronic records including treatment history, x-rays, intraoral photographs and scans of paper documents will be retained indefinitely

The data & infomation we hold
The following summarises the information we hold for you:

  • Personal details such as your name, date of birth, address, occupation, phone numbers & email address
  • Details of your medical history
  • Comprehensive notes of your appointments at the practice including details of diagnostic processes undertaken, treatment recommendations, treatment actually given, conversations between us and any other information considered relevant.
  • Notes of conversations with non-clinical staff
  • Images such as xrays and photographs taken
  • Incoming and outgoing correspondence relating to your treatment.

How we collect your personal information
We collect your personal information in the following ways:

  • When you join the practice, we record your name, date of birth and contact details on oour computer system. You will also be asked to complete a medical history form either via a depersonalised email link which will be saved directly into your records or on a paper form which will be scanned and then destroyed. We will normally ask you to confirm your contact details and update your medical history when you attend for appointments.
  • During treatment, we may record any information concerning your treatment and conversations between the clinicians and you. These notes will be included in your dental records.
  • Via the contact form or appointment request form on our website.
  • Via other forms on our website

How we store your personal information
For security, the exact method of data storage is confidential but includes backups held on removable drives and offsite backup of certain records. If you wish to know more about how your data is stored, you should contact Nigel Cryer by letter/email using the addresses at the top of this page.

It is our aim to minimise storage of paper within the practice. Therefore, all incoming correspondence is scanned on receipt and destroyed by shredding/ incineration after action. Legacy paper records are stored within the practice and will be destroyed 15 years after your last dental visit.

How we use cookies
When you visit our website, a small text file called a 'cookie' will be stored by your browser on your computer's hard drive. We may use them to identify when you have returned to our website, to understand the services that may be of interest to you, to provide anonymised tracking data to third party applications like Google Analytics and to advertise the practice via the Google Display Network (GDN).

The GDN periodically displays adverts for websites you have previously visited. These adverts are diplayed on unconnected websites which participate in the GDN. Your visit to our website is recorded solely by the cookie and no other personal data is passed on.

If you wish, you can disable cookies on this website and others. You do this by amending your browser settings - if you do not know how to do this, you should consult your browser's help facility or refer to www.aboutcookies.org which gives further information on how to do this.

How we use your personal information
The personal information we hold on you is used solely for the purpose of maintaining a record of the treatment you receive & other interactions with the practice and to enable communication between ourselves.

How we share your information
The personal information we hold for you is confidential and is not normally shared with anyone outside the practice without your permission (which will normally be in writing).

However, there are instances in the normal course of business where it is necessary to pass your information to third parties. These include:

  • During credit card transactions when your card details are passed in encrypted form electronically via the public telephone network to Barclays Merchant Services in order to complete the transaction. We do not retain electronic records of the transactions and the paper records are stored in a safe pending destruction by shredding/incineration after reconciliation
  • When your treatment requires referral to another practice or hospital for completion, appropriate personal and dental records will be forwarded with the referral to enable treatment to be undertaken. Referrals are normally sent in paper form by post but may also be via fax, email or on-line forms on the website of the receiving hospital/practice
  • When you join our membership scheme, you complete an online form. Although this form is accessed via a web address in our domain (www.allcleardental.co.uk/signup), it is operated by Membership Plans Ltd trading as Privilege Plan who collect the direct debits on our behalf. Any information you supply to practice staff in connection with an enrolment to our membership scheme will therefore be shared with Privilege Plan.

Your information will never be sold or otherwise shared with third party organisations for use in marketing or other contact campaigns.

How you can see your personal information in our records
You have the right to see all information we hold in your records including dental records, notes, xrays and clinical photographs. If you would like to do this, you need to submit your request in writing to the address at the top of this page or by email to [email protected].

How you can remove your personal information from our records
If you have subscribed to our email newsletters, you may unsubscribe at any time. Every newsletter includes an unsubscribe link but you can also request this by writing to Nigel Cryer at the address given above.

It is our policy to retain your dental records for an indefinite period to ensure that, at any time in the future, full details of the treatment you have received are available. This is for your protection in the event of any queries or concerns in the future. The Department of Health advises that dental records should be kept for a minimum of 15 years and requests for deletion of records will only be considered after this time has elapsed from the date of the last treatment at the practice and will be at the discretion of the practice. We may seek legal advice as part of the decision process.

How we use email
Email is not a secure medium and we therefore try to avoid its use for sensitive information wherever possible. You should be aware that communication with the practice via the online forms on our website uses unsecure and unencrypted email and you should not use these forms if you do not want your personal information sending in this way.

How we link to other websites
Relevant links to other websites are provided on many of our web pages. We do this to provide you with further information about the content on the page.

Wherever possible, the links provided are to recognised bodies with appropriate authority/expertise but we can take no responsibility for the content provided or the privacy policy of the linked web page/site.

The safety of your personal data is our primary concern and there is no link between our practice management software (on which your dental records are held) and our website.