020 8688 3869

5 Norfolk House, Wellesley Road, Croydon, CR0 1LH

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Banner with the caption Coronavirus policy and a small inset information icon
Now that the government has announced the removal of all coronavirus restrictions in England, we need to consider how best to manage the risks that the virus still presents within a ‘business as usual’ environment.

Firstly, whilst the mandatory requirement to wear masks has been lifted, we invite all visitors to AllClear to continue to wear face masks and to sanitise their hands using the hand gel provided for the time being. Whilst we fully acknowledge that these do not provide full protection against the transmission of the virus, they do help, both by reducing the incidence of airborne particles and by diverting your breath away from those directly in front of you.

Whilst the latest variants of the virus have caused milder symptoms than those that featured in the early stages of the pandemic, it remains a highly transmissible virus & a risk to medically compromised individuals and we therefore need to minimise the possibility of it being passed on to either members of our team or to other patients & customers in the practice.

We already ask all patients to provide a medical history prior to treatment and this now includes specific questions relating to coronavirus. We also ask anyone with transitory conditions such as common cold, sickness and cold sore to postpone their appointments until they have recovered and this is extended to either confirmed or suspected infection with coronavirus/covid-19.

Therefore, if you have tested positive for covid-19 or have one or more of the three symptoms set out by the government (high temperature, new continuous cough or loss of sense of taste/smell), we will be unable to treat you and you should advise us immediately so that we can reschedule the appointment.